Challenge badges

Download our special activity packs and challenges, for Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers units. Enjoy exciting, fun and educational activities, with woven badges available to purchase.

Adventures in the Dark

Explore everything from the night sky to nocturnal creatures and animals, senses, and what’s really happening when things go bump in the night.

Take your unit on an adventure and see what you learn and discover in the dark.

The Adventures in the Dark woven badge is 2.5 inches or 63mm wide with an overlocked border.


Guiding with Code

Bring a host of coding themed activities to your unit meetings with our Guiding with Code challenge badge. Introduce the concept of computer programming to every girl in a fun and exciting way, and you don’t even need a computer!

Inspire girls to follow in the footsteps of Ada Lovelace who, in the 1840s and around 100 years before the world’s first programmable computer, wrote the first computer programme.

From Rainbows to Rangers, our Guiding with Code activities will have them on their feet with group games, expressing themselves with art, solving puzzles, understanding how a program functions, making and baking.


Creative Christmas

Take on our Creative Christmas Challenge badge with plenty of seasonal craft. Our new badge design is expected in stock early December.

Bring the magic of Christmas to your unit meetings with our Christmas challenge badge.

Make, bake, assemble and explore your way through Christmas and its traditions with our collection of activities arranged into five different topics.


Puss in Boots

Limited Number

A special badge created for Girlguiding Herne Bay’s visit to watch the Puss in Boots pantomime.


Aladdin: My Magic Lamp

Limited Number

Off to see Aladdin the Pantomime? We watched Aladdin, with Girlguiding Herne Bay Division, in 2023 and have created this badge to mark the occasion. Order yours today!


Rainbows, an adventure through time

Take your unit on an adventure through time, discovering 35 years of Rainbows with this brand new badge. Download the challenge pack today and start planning your unit meetings! All sections and all units can join in. Why not get together with a Rainbows unit and share the fun!

The Rainbows section is celebrating 35 years during 2022. Come and join the party, bring a splash of colour to your unit meetings, and learn all about the Rainbows timeline.



(Design has been updated)


Badge sales raise money for the level shown on the front of the badge. You can read our badge fundraising policy for more details.

Ordering by post?

Most badges have a form in the challenge pack, or you can use our multi-badge postal order form.