Tie your necker

Being an Oystercatcher

Follow these steps to learn how to tie your necker in a friendship knot.

Our oystercatcher emblem represents the history of the original Hampton-on-Sea village as an oyster fishery and as grown with us to symbolise our aspirations, determination and potential.

Lay the necker out flat face down. Roll it up tightly, leaving a triangle the size of the palm of your hand.

Place the necker on your shoulders, with the triangle on your back, logo showing. Alternatively, place the necker in front of you, face up, and bend the ends up.

Cross the right side over the left side. Next bend the left side back under the right.

Bring the right side underneath and through the loop created by the left side.

Tighten accordingly with enough room for the necker to pass over your head.

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